Friday, September 25, 2009

How austere is this austerity?

The big storm over the austerity measures adopted by Mrs. Sonia Gandhi and the PM is cooling down. I have been going through views expressed by several intellectuals over the issue, ranging from full hearted support to total rejection. I think the truth lies somewhere in between.

May be this is a eye-washing measure by the congress leadership (as suggested by some), but if it really adds up to something, nothing to feel bad about it. As Mr M. J. Akbar rightly opines in the Times of India, the money raised/saved during the process should be ensured to go to the people for whome it all started- the farmers who suffer from the bad monsoon.

Dear Mrs. Gandhi, the austerity measure should not be a one time exercise, rather, it should be made part of the Government's (and every other public body's) everyday norms for all time.

Mr Chetan Bhagat suggests that it is alright if the politicians live a life of a king; he argues that to attract good and efficient people into politics, politicians have to be paid handsomely. I don't quite buy this argument. Politics is not just any other profession; politicians are leaders of people, society and nation. They have to lead by example. If a politician has money, no need to flaunder it at a time when a large section of the farmers is in distress. They have to have sensitivity. How can a leader of people pay Rs.50,000 for a night's sleep and a breakfast? There is need to provide our leaders with good security cover; but, it goes out of comprehension that why would they be provided with out-of-the-world mansions!

If someone needs a luxurious life, there are always other options, honest and dignified; other fields too need good people. We may be disstaisfied with our present leadership and there is need for good, young people to enter politics; but, money is not the best way to motivate them to take to politics. Because, leadership is beyond money/remuneration/rewards.

Austerity has to be a way of life.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's Navratri time in Gujarat again

It's Navratri/Garba time again in Gujarat :) This is the one thing I really love about Gujarat. This is called Dussera elsewhere in India.

The ten days starting the month of 'sharad' (Hindu calander; around sep-oct) upto the tenth day is regarded highly auspicious in Hindu religion and celebrated in different forms all over India, especially in Bengal & Orissa, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka and Gujarat.

The festival in Gujarat is very different from that in other states; it's like a carnival, unique in all aspects, perhaps comparable only to the carnival in Brazil in magnitude.

Though during day time it's work usual, nights catch a fever pitch with boys and girls, men and women- young, old alike just get mad in celebration...... dancing to the traditional garba tunes with wonderful rythm and enjoying their heart out. It's a feast for eyes to see beautiful ladies dance with gay abandon! Even the small children know all the's in their blood!

However, what I like the most about the festivities during this season in Gujarat is the freedom women enjoy. It's unparallel elsewhere in India. Women plan, manage, celebrate and enjoy........ it's only here that women dance in public in such huge numbers with people they know and they don't. WONDERFUL!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Silver lining

India is yet to shine; but things like this (in the picture) do make us hopeful and assure us that we are on the ascent.

This picture was taken in one of the most backward areas of Madhya Pradesh (so, apparently, one of the most backward in India). The man doesn't have any land; but he owns a petty shop. He has made himself a promise that one day he wants his children to be educated in the best of institutions in India. As can be seen in the picture, the child is engrossed in his studies inside the shop itself. The child is indeed very bright and intelligent. May God give the family enough resources and strength to fulfill its dreams!

India is taking last :) Our time is coming!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Spirit and Flavour of Democracy

There is no other form of governance that is as interesting and empowering as DEMOCRACY is. In spite of all its weaknesses, it provides a platform for people to express themselves and fight for their rights. It provides a level playing field for everyone. Irrespective of the class and caste, it gives everyone the freedom to represent and be represented.

Universal adult franchise or elections are reflections of the dynamism and the spirit of democracy. Especially in India, the 'Election' is time for people to show their power and feel their power....the hysteria, the drama, the frenzy, the excitement, the energy and the enthusiasm on part of the common people during this time is unparalleled in the world. Perhaps this is the time when the common man and the lower sections of the society feel most empowered; this is reflected in the higher voter turn out on part of this section in comparison to the upper section of the society.

During a recent tour to a village near Sanchi in Madhya Pradesh, I came across this man (in a red sweater) in the picture above.

He is contesting in the elections from a party floated by him; he is the only one in his party, he does his own campaigns, goes from door to door and reaches out to people. He spends out of his own pocket in spite of the fact that he is struggling to feed his family.

In a candid discussion, he revealed that perhaps he knew that he was not going to win that time, but for him, 'winning' or 'losing' did not matter as much as 'standing up for himself and his fellowmen' did. He was convinced that he was standing for a great cause and that was what gave him courage, motivation and energy.

This is the true spirit of democracy.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Politics of Identity is never sustainable

India has decided and has decided in favour of a stable government. At a time when the world economy is reeling under recession and growth of Indian economy has slowed down considerably, people want Manmohan and co to be in charge as they were the ones who had started the economic turn around in 1991. Public memory has not failed, it seems, in this case. They have recognized Manmohan for his efficiency and honesty.

At the same time, it's a verdict against the fundamentalists. Though in the short run the politics of 'hatred', 'division' and 'identity' does appeal to the masses, in the long run however, people realize that true peace and prosperity can not be achieved with such a policy. The policies need to focus on development, channelizing resources to productive activities and addressing issues of inequality.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's day

Most of the time we tend to take our near and dear ones for granted, especially, our mothers. Though we should be aware that mothers deserve a better deal from us all the time, it's also true that that act of 'taking-for-granted' itself is a sure sign of unselfish and unconditional love. We know all the time that no matter what happens, no matter how utterly negligent we have been to our mothers, no matter how indifferent we have been at times towards her, she would always be there for us and by our side, without a hinge of complain, with a basket full of love. This is the greatest feeling on earth. This is the graetest gift from GOD.

Someone once said very truly,"GOD can not be everywhere, thus HE created MOTHER"

It's Mother's day here again and we realize the important role a mother plays throughout our lives behind the scene, unnoticed and almost unappreciated.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

On Democracy, Elections and Voting in India

Democracy, undoubtedly is one of the greatest ideas of all time. As Abraham Lincoln once told, "Democracy is of the people, by the people and for the people". It gives people the freedom of choice of how to govern themselves, and more than that, how to live. Nations are nothing but its people.

When there was no authority on earth, there was absolute freedom, but there was also absolute anarchy in the sense that only the mighty ruled (not that it is very obsolete now, but is under tremendous control); the very existence of a being was at the mercy of the mighty.

Thus we gave ourselves nation states, where there would be a government to rule. Irrespective of the form of the government, the basic objective ought to be the welfare of the people, and especially, the weak and the vulnerable. This shows the progress of civilization and the maturity of the human species (more than any other). Democracy truly reflects all these characteristics.

However, democracy depends on its citizens to be successful.

The greatest gift that our (Indian) statesmen gave us after our independence was 'Democracy'. Since then our democracy has matured and has become world's largest democracy.

Elections, or the universal adult franhise is an important part of Democracy. It gives power to the people; it is the most important means through which the Democracy runs; it is the life blood of Democracy.

But, the on-going general elections in India has thrown at us several questions.
Why is the voter turn out getting lower and lower (in spite of the campaign promoting voting)?
Why literate people are voting in less numbers than their illiterate cousins?
Are people losing faith in Democracy?
Or, the people are only fade up with the politicians?
Are we complacent regarding the success of our Democracy?

A common argument for people not voting is that "we don't have option- all the candidates in the fray are equally useless". But, is our society any different from the political scenario? Politics (or for that matter, any profession) is only a reflection of our society. If we are concerned about our nation and our people, we must vote; we must choose the lesser evil (if one thinks so).

However, voting is not the end of it. We have to be aware of what is happening; we must ask questions; and ABOVE ALL, GOOD PEOPLE MUST JOIN POLITICS. It may not solve the problem immediately, but it will help in the long run. Youth has a big role to play; youth must embrace politics. A young nation like us can only avoid politics at its own peril.

When you hurt your finger, you don't cut it off; you apply balm.