It was 25th January, 2009. I was coming back from my home (Orissa) after a brief break to Ahmedabad by a train in the second class compartment. I was not in a great mood...the break was too short for my liking. To make matters worse someone would come every other hour with his/her begging bowl. I always have this disliking for begging (I don't have any disliking for those who beg though). I was engrossed in an argument within myself.....
.....Why would someone beg?
.....Is this alright?
.....Is it ok to give alimony?
After a long monologue, I decided, it is is ok if I give alimony (which I do most of the time). I thought in most cases, one would beg because of one's inability to earn and the lack of earning opportunity. To the question that what would one be doing with the money so earned (some people fear that the money is misutilized), I gave the beneift of doubt to the beggar; I assumed the money is not misutilized as I have no idea; and in any case, one is free to do whatever one wishes to do with his/her earning!
I was reminded of the recent movie 'Slumdog Millionnaire' and the underworld hand in it.....the big business behind begging.
But I somehow justified evrything and thought that I was not that wrong when I give away a rupee in alimony. However, I was not at all happy to convince myself this way!
Just then, THIS HAPPENED! This gentleman (in the photograph above) came along. He was an old man of around 50-55.....blind by both the eyes.....stains all over his face (possibly because of Small pox), in tattered clothes. But the most remarkable thing about this gentleman was that in spite of all odds, he was standing tall. He was not begging! He was selling useful little things one would require during a train journey (like paper soap, pan masala, etc). He was working all round the clock for his bread and butter.
I thought how easy was it for this man to beg! There could be no better excuse! (At least in India!)
But this man was dignity personified. He was (is) a real Hero.One could sense and smell the dignity of labour....the dignity of being a man! I was feeling proud to be a man. All my apprehensions were gone....I was instantly filled with hope and joy.