Yesterday was the 140th birth anniversary of Gandhi, the man of the twentieth century. In course of time, he has become an institution..... he has inspired whole generations and modern nation states altogether.
My love of Gandhi statrted some time when I was in college and I read his autobiography- "The Story of My Experiments with Truth". Over the years on many an occasion, his words have helped me take good decisions and make my life better. It's not that I do not disagree with his ideas ever; on many points I have different opinions, especially regarding his views on Economics. But I am sure even those are based on strong propositions.
Indeed, it's impossible to capture him in an article (or even in a book), but when I think of him, five distinct points come to my mind:
1. He was the symbol of freedom and fight against injustice
2. His compassion and love for the humanity
3. His strength of conviction and how he followed it up with devotion
4. He pioneered the use of 'non-violence' and 'truth' as political weapons
5. His belief of primacy of 'means' over 'ends'
Gandhi represented humanity and not only India/Indians. He led a very simple life, but always stood by what he said or believed.
Albert Einstein was right when he said: "Generations to come, it may be, will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth."