Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Respect Women!

We (Indians) think we are progressing...............but are we? Really? Can a society that disrespects and abhors its women (i.e. 50% of the society) be considered as civilized at all? The growing cases of intolerance and violence against women pose serious questions about India as a civilized country. Where is our rich culture and tradition? Or, the so-called culture and traditions themselves are the impediments?

The religious organizations like RSS/VHP and their Muslim and Christian (and others) counterparts have never been in favor of giving the women their freedom. They obviously are inspired only by their own holy books! Take for example: Shri Ram asks Devi Sita to go through “Agnee Pariksha” (Test of fire)! Why? After all that she had to endure, she still had to prove herself? Take another example: if the ‘sin’ had to be undertaken, it was the woman who had to eat the apple first, and thus, is made responsible for all the ‘sin’ in the world! Why do Muslims consider women should be behind the ‘burqa’ and not a man? How many women do you find as head of a Church? Religious people can give thousands of explanations; but the truth is that the thought process has always been to blame the women for all the evil in the world. So, the world is totally stuck up with these ideas!!!
Just see what is happening around us!  

The heinous cases of rape/murder are on the rise....from across the country, not just from the north; and they don’t spare the children and the elderly! Female feticide is always on the rising trend; unfortunately it’s higher among the so-called educated and rich class!

Today the Head of Aligarh Muslim University orders that women should not be allowed in the library. An education institution is supposed to promote liberal thoughts and values....instead they are going back centuries!

A Congress leader (Mohd. Yousuf Bhat) from J&K so brazenly declares his daughter as a burden and shows in his papers as a liability. This is a man who can become a Law-maker in a matter of months! A few months back Mulayam Singh, referring to action against rapists had publicly spoken that “boys will be boys; they will make mistake!” RSS chief Mohan Bhagawat says women are meant for household chores and not for earning their bread. Choice of a Hindu girl falling in love with a Muslim boy is labeled as “Love Jihad” by BJP.

The police and the leadership repeatedly blame women’s attire as causes for the violence against women (when data shows clearly that there is no correlation between the two). What kind of attire should a child or an old woman wear so as not to attract the vultures around them?

As long as the rules of the game are written by the men, this will continue. The ray of hope is that women are now seen taking part in all kinds of socio-economic and political activities. Things will change faster with better reach of education and opportunities to women.

As long as we cannot respect our women and give them their rightful place under the sun, we cannot call ourselves as civilized. Perhaps the process of evolution will take another thousand years before we become truly civilized!!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Religion stops the growth of knowledge

It is difficult to define 'Religion' universally; so, I go by the oxford dictionary.
The oxford dictionary defines 'Religion' in the following words:

1) the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods 2) a particular system of faith and worship 3) a pursuit or interest followed with devotion.

The first two definitions are particularly true for all kinds of organized / institutionalized religions. The characteristics of such religions are more or less similar in some aspects: i)they have well defined boundaries, ii) they prescribe rigid practices, iii) they will not allow one to question and any deviation from the norm is considered unacceptable.

It can be seen in the evolution of different religions that new religions had been established when some one questioned the established belief of one religion. So, if one follows a particular religion, he/she has no freedom to think for himself and question the prevailing practices/beliefs. This implies that there is very little scope for new knowledge or growth of knowledge in an organized religion.

When one messiah starts a religion (actually the messiah doesn't necessarily start, but the followers start by following him/her), he/she brings in a new set of knowledge. However, as soon as he/she passess away, his/her followers again stop the growth or evolution of knowledge just because they also start following him/her and define the limits and boundaries. One dare not think in another direction, lest he/she be ousted from the religion/society.

This is why it is always good not to encourage people to follow one particular belief/system/faith........ rather people should be encouraged to pursue knowledge as put forth by different individuals from time to time, understand and develop their one faith systems, and take rational decisions. Because knowledge is a flow and not a stock; it has to keep flowing like a river and not stock (and be polluted) like a pond.

In history, we can see one set of knowledge is based on some other in the past; every original/new thinking/knowledge of a time is relative in nature. If a set of knowledge started with Copernicus, it travelled through Galileo, Newton, Einstein and others and is still travelling. This is how knowledge flows/travels through time. It must be allowed to flow this way. This is what makes human race better and better by the time.